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A🥶🥶 bad attitude is a plane🤮 tire if you do not change 😏it you can never think✌ positive!.

You give me the kind👉👉 of feeling people write novels😎😎 about.
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If you can’t convince 🥰🥰them, 🤩🤩confuse them.
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Beauty is like Moon,🥲🥲 looks much🤑🤑 better at Night.

Phones are better than GF, At least we can switch it off.
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Always remember 😎😎😎you are unique, just like🧐🧐 everyone else.

Take me as I🥵🥵 am or watch me😎😎 as I go.
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If you want to make😎😎 your 🤠🤠dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.
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Style is a reflection 🤠🤠of your attitude and personality.

I can’t change the😯😳😳 destination of the wind but I can change 🤯🤯the bad thinking of mine.
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Laugh at your problems, everybody else does.

I tried being like you, 😎😎my👉👉 personality didn’t like it.
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My opinions🗨 may have changed, but not the fact that💯💯 I am right.
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Take charge of your attitude. Don’t let someone else choose it for you.

If you can’t💯💯 convince them, 💤💤confuse them.
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Every problem 😡😡comes with a solution, but my 😈😈GF doesn’t have one.

I don’t hate 🤬🤬Peoples, I just love🤩 Peoples 🥰who love me.
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There are three🤨 sides to an👉 argument.. 👉my side, 👉your side, and the✌ right side.
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Don’t hate 😔😔me, just get to know😐 me first!

The good news is👉 I’m smiling😇😇. 👉The bad news is it’s the 👆kind of smile that👇 people should fear.
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If I liked your status on Facebook that means you have entertained me.

I am learning from😊 My Mistake! 👍Without Mistake, We Can’t Learn 👍Best.
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I have a new theory in life…what other people think of me is truly none of my business!
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I’m not lazy,🤨 I’m a master of 😴😴energy conservation.

The greatest🤗🤗 pleasure in life is doing the things people say 🥰🥰you can’t 😉
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An ugly personality💣💣 destroys a pretty face.

My door is 💣💣always open🗯🗯 so feel free to leave.
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I Wish My 🗨🗨Parents Were Like Google…They Should 🗨🗨Understand Me Even Before I Complete.
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A bad 🗨🗨attitude is like a flat tire. If you don’t change it, you’ll never go 💣💣anywhere.

I destroy my💣💣 enemies when🗨🗨 I make them my friends.
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I’m not heartless❣❣, I just learned how to use my 💓💓heart LESS.

Remember one💯💯 thing, you might be a PLAYER. 👋👋But I am the GAME.
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Sometimes people a high 🤑🤑five on the face with a 🤔🤔CHAIR.
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The greatest 🥵discovery of my generation is that a human 😎being can alter😎 his life by altering his attitudes.

It’s up to you to decide😂 whether or not you will let the negative 🤣🤣words of others affect your😎 attitude.
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If you believe in yourself, 😊have dedication, pride, and that never quit attitude, you will be a winner.

Our attitude 😎towards life determines life’s attitude😏 towards us.
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Enjoy the great 😊😊times and make the bad times great.🥰 Your attitude 😎determines everything.
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If you have a good 😎😎attitude, your biggest power will actually come when people 🤓🤓underestimate you.

No one ever got 🤑🤑rich with a poor😔😔 attitude.
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Succes💯💯s is 99% attitude and👋 1% aptitude💢

Two things define✌✌ you, your👉👉 patience when you have 👉nothing, and your attitude when you have 👉everything.
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Your attitude💣, not your✌ aptitude, will determine 👈your 👉altitude.
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The greatest 💤💤discovery of all time💯💯 is that a person 💣can change his future by merely changing his💣💣 attitude.

A bad👎 attitude is like👆👆 a flat tire. You can’t go anywhere 💥💥💣💣until you change it.
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If you don’t control your 🖕🖕attitude, then it will control 🤞you.

You control your attitude. If you are 👇negative it is because you have✌ decided to be negative👇 and not 👆because of other people or🤏 circumstances.
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It is your 🤘🤘attitude at the 🤙beginning of a task that determines👉 success or 👇failure.
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The only thing ✋✋in life that👋 you have absolute control 🤟🤘over is your attitude.

The best thing 💞💞you can do is to let go of what you can’t control, ❤❤and invest your energy in the✋✋ things you can like your attitude…
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